The Clutch City GT is the premiere Warhammer 40,000 Tournament in Houston, Texas. It will take place on March 2nd-3rd, 2024. This event is brought to you by the Clutch City Team. Tickets are on sale NOW!. Register early to secure your spot today!

The Clutch City GT is a sportsmanship and hobby driven 40k tournament. The tournament will be the first TCC event of the 2024 ITC Season.

  • This tournament is in its 8th year of operation.
  • Please be sure to look for official rulings/answered questions on our Facebook group Clutch City GT.
  • Games will be submitted to the ITC through Best Coast Pairings for ITC points as well as the TCC rankings.
  • Currently, the player cap is 150 players. We will have over 8,000 sq ft for gaming available.
  • The event will take place at the Northside Knights of Columbus Hall in Houston, Texas. See Venue Information Tab for more details.

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